Thursday, November 17, 2011

Finding Your Blogging Voice

The decision to start a blog is relatively easy, especially compared to everything that happens after that decision. From there you have to choose a blogging platform, pick a theme template for your blog design and then actually write the posts that accompany said blog. Writing blog posts is no small feat – they take time to craft and edit and they have to flow in a certain way that is appealing to you and your readers.
Finding your writing voice is one of the most difficult parts of blogging – once you’ve established that writing gets exponentially easier. So how do you pinpoint just what your voice is?
1. Don’t try to be anyone else
One of the biggest mistakes a rookie writer can make is trying to imitate someone else’s writing style. Don’t do this! You don’t want to be a replica of someone else; you want to be an individual known for their own unique approach. All you’re doing by copying other writers is cheapening your own writing.
2. Everyday write something
It can be a poem, a blog post, a short story, or a letter to someone – just write something. The more often you write, the more comfortable you’ll get with it and the more your true writing voice will shine through. Don’t spend hours thinking about how you want to say something, instead just write it as it comes to you and leave the reviewing and editing for later.
3. Practice different styles
Try out different writing styles to see which one is the most comfortable for you to naturally write. Create different scenes in your head and write them from different viewpoints. Once you’ve defined the style that appeals to you refining it won’t be that hard.
4. Write from your thoughts
There’s a difference between the voice in our head and the voice that we speak with, largely due in part to the fact that no one is talking back in our head so there is no conversation to build off of – only your own thoughts. If you can get to the point that you can think and type at the same time you’ll know you’ve mastered transferring the voice in your head to your writing.
5. Don’t get caught up trying to sound smart
When you blog you are writing for a general audience – not a literary textbook. Don’t try to drop in fancy words, just write naturally. You don’t want to lose readers because you’re using words they don’t understand, so keep it simple.
Finding your writing voice doesn’t happen overnight – it takes a lot of practice and is continually being refined. The more you write the more clear it will become.

For Further Reading,


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